Terms and Conditions

Last updated: September 13. 2024

1. Introduction; Agreement to This Terms of Use

Please review the Pro(lovsyn) Terms of Use ("we", "our"), which include the Pro(lovsyn) Privacy Policy and Terms of Use (collectively, the "Terms"), carefully. These terms apply to your access and use of the Pro(lovsyn) social networking service through the Pro(lovsyn) mobile application. To make these terms easier to read, the Website, our Services and Apps are collectively referred to as the "Services".


Please also note that if you subscribe to the Services, your subscription will automatically renew for certain periods of time if you do not cancel prior to the end of the term. See Section 7 and our Virtual Goods and Currency Terms of Use for additional terms where applicable for more information on the automatic renewal terms applicable to subscriptions.

2. Pro(lovsyn) Do's

Do upload only your own Pro(lovsyn) and videos We take copyrights very seriously. If you don't own the rights to a Pro(lovsyn) or video, please don't post it. And remember that it is really lame to post other people's Pro(lovsyn) as your own. Do respect other users Respect for other people's beliefs and property must be made a top priority.

3. Pro(lovsyn) Dont's

Don't verbally abuse other users You should behave the same way on Pro(lovsyn), as you would in real life. Treat people as if you were talking to them face to face. Don't upload tasteless and pornographic material Don't do anything illegal on our community If you do, we will not be amused, and will report you to the proper authorities. Don't send copy and paste messages to other users Don't spam other users Failure to follow these guidelines will be first met with a warning and then a possible deletion of your account if the behavior continues. These guidelines are meant to keep Pro(lovsyn) an amazing and friendly place for all our users.

4. User Generated Content

You may post a variety of content on Pro(lovsyn), including photos, emails, messages, and other content ("Content"). However, there are some rules about acceptable content, so while you are using Pro(lovsyn), you may not post or send any of the following:

. illegal content of any kind;

. Contains profanity or language that may be considered offensive or that may harass, upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person;

. Obscene, pornographic or other content that may violate human dignity;

. Abusive, insulting or threatening, or promotes or encourages racism, sexism, hatred or bigotry;

. Encourage any illegal activity, including, but not limited to, terrorism, incitement to racial hatred, or activities that would constitute a criminal offense in their own right;

. defamatory;

. In connection with commercial activities (including, but not limited to, sales, contests and advertisements, links to other websites or payline numbers);

. involves the transmission of "junk" mail or "junk mail";

. contains any spyware, adware, virus, corrupted files, worms or other malicious code designed to interrupt, impair or limit the functionality of, or disrupt any software, hardware, telecommunications, network, server or other device, Trojan horse or any other material designed to damage, interfere with, falsely intercept or expropriate any data or personal information (whether from Pro(lovsyn) or otherwise);

. Violates the rights (including but not limited to intellectual property rights and privacy rights) of any third party by itself or by Posting Content. Please use your common sense when selecting the content you choose to post or send on Pro(lovsyn), as you are solely responsible for and accept all liability in connection with such content.

5. Copyright

Please note that by posting or sending content on Pro(lovsyn), you represent and warrant to us that you have the right to do so and automatically grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license to use such content in any way (including, without limitation, editing, copying, modifying, adapting, translating, reformatting, creating derivative works, incorporating into other works, advertising, distributing or otherwise making available to the public such content, whether in whole or in part, and in any format or medium currently known or future developed).

By submitting content to Pro(lovsyn), you warrant that you are the sole author and owner of that content, and you agree to waive any and all moral rights (including, but not limited to, the right to be identified as the author) with respect to that content.

We reserve the right to disclose your identity to any third party if any third party claims that any content you post or upload on our Community constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or any other laws.

All text, graphics, user interfaces, trademarks, logos, sounds and artwork on Pro(lovsyn) are owned, controlled or licensed by us and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws.

6. Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability

If you act in a way that upsets other users then you have to be responsible for the consequences. We expressly disclaim any and all responsibility and liability for your conduct or the conduct of any other user of Pro(lovsyn), and expressly disclaim any liability for Content uploaded by you or by any other user.

Nothing in the Terms limits or excludes our liability for:

. death or personal injury caused by their proven negligence;

. any liability which cannot be limited or excluded by law.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Pro(lovsyn) expressly excludes:

. all conditions, representations, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute, common law or the law of equity;

. any liability incurred by you arising from use of Pro(lovsyn), its services or these terms and conditions, including without limitation for any claims, charges, demands, damages, liabilities, losses or expenses of whatever nature and howsoever direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages (however arising including negligence), loss of use, loss of data, loss caused by a computer or electronic virus, loss of income or profit, loss of or damage to property, wasted management or office time, breach of contract or claims of third parties or other losses of any kind or character, even if Pro(lovsyn) has been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses, arising out of or in connection with the use of Pro(lovsyn). This limitation on liability applies to, but is not limited to, the transmission of any disabling device or virus that may infect your equipment, failure or mechanical or electrical equipment or communication lines, telephone or other interconnect problems (e.g., you cannot access your internet service provider), unauthorized access, theft, bodily injury, property damage, operator errors, strikes or other labor problems or any act of god. in connection with Pro(lovsyn) including, without limitation, any liability for loss of revenue or income, loss of profits or contracts, loss of business, loss of anticipated savings, loss of goodwill, loss of data, wasted management or office time and any other loss or damage of any kind, however arising and whether caused by tort (including, but not limited to, negligence), breach of contract or otherwise, even if foreseeable whether arising directly or indirectly.

7. Paid Services

a) General Pro(lovsyn) makes available several paid Services. Firstly, you may purchase virtual currency (" Pro Coins ") for use with the Services for the amounts described on the Pro(lovsyn) Software. You may also from time to time, obtain Pro Coins or other virtual items by engaging in certain actions (for example, by downloading third party apps). Pro Coins and such other virtual items are referred to collectively as " Virtual Goods ". Secondly, you may purchase subscriber-level access that unlocks premium features and enhancements of the Services (a " Subscription ") for the amounts described on the Pro(lovsyn) Software. (We may add the second paid service later when we think the time is appropriate.)

Pro(lovsyn) does not receive or process payments or credit card information directly. You may purchase Paid Services through an App Store such as Google Play account and/or Apple iTunes account (a " Third Party Account "). If you purchase any Services that we offer for a fee (the " Subscription Fees "), including without limitation Virtual Goods, Pro Coins, and/or a Subscription to the Services (collectively, the " Paid Services "), you authorize Pro(lovsyn) to collect currently the iTunes unique transaction IDs and receipts data. If you purchase any Paid Services through the Third Party Account, the Subscription Fees for these Paid Services will appear through your Third Party Account. Please note that Pro(lovsyn) does not control Third Party Account terms and conditions so please review these carefully. You also agree to pay the Subscription Fees for the Paid Services (including without limitation periodic fees as described on the Pro(lovsyn) Software as they become due plus all related taxes). Any and all payments made to Pro(lovsyn) for use and access to the Services, including without limitation, any Subscription Fees for the Paid Services, are final and all charges are nonrefundable.

Please see our Virtual Goods and Currency Terms of Use for additional terms applicable to the purchase of Virtual Goods and use of virtual currency offered by us. Typically, our virtual currency may be used to purchase certain features or Virtual Goods in connection with the Services. Any virtual currency that you receive as a promotion from us will be subject to the terms of our Virtual Goods and Currency Terms of Use. We reserve the right at any time to increase or change the amounts set forth in the Services for any of the Paid Services. We also reserve the right to charge new fees for access to portions of the Services or the Services as a whole at any time upon notice to you by posted such changes on the Pro(lovsyn) Software.

b) AUTOMATIC RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTIONS.When you pay for a subscription through a Third Party Account and you do not cancel your subscription prior to the end of the subscription term, your subscription for the Services will continue indefinitelyuntil cancelled by you. After your initial subscription period, and again after any subsequent subscription period, your subscription will automatically continue for an additional equivalent period, at the price you agreed to when subscribing. You agree that your Pro(lovsyn) Account will be subject to this automatic renewal feature. You acknowledge and agree that your Third Party Account will be automatically charged for such subscription fees, plus any applicable taxes, upon each such automatic renewal.You acknowledge that your subscription is subject to automatic renewals and you consent to and accept responsibility for all recurring charges through a Third Party Account based on this automatic renewal feature without further authorization from you and without further notice except as required by law.

c) CANCELLATION OF SUBSCRIPTIONS.When you purchase a subscription through a Third-Party Account, you will need to cancel your subscription through that third party, an App Store, not Pro(lovsyn) and in accordance with that third party's terms and conditions. Cancellations are effective the following billing period in which payment is due. If you cancel your subscription your subscription benefits will continue until the end of your then current subscription term, but your subscription will not be renewed after that term expires. You will not be entitled to a prorated refund of any portion of the subscription fees paid for the then current subscription term.

8. Contacting Us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or any privacy-related matters, please contact us to send email : lovsynom@gmail.com

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